No student, unless specifically authorized by the school principal or designee, shall use or operate any electronic telecommunication device, including facsimile systems, radio paging device, mobile telephone service, intercom or electromechanical paging system in any school building or on the grounds thereof during regular school hours, except in the event of an emergency which is defined as an actual or imminent threat to public health or safety which may result in loss of life, injury or property damage, all as provided by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:239.


Operation of such a device by the student for recording, taking pictures, creating videos during regular school hours and/or violating testing procedures shall be a serious disciplinary infraction punishable by expulsion or out-of-school suspension.  Such devices used in any manner that violates this or other Rapides Parish School Board policies shall be confiscated and may be retrieved only by a parent or guardian at the principal’s office upon paying a $15 administrative fee for each offense and signing a written receipt acknowledging receipt of the device.  Pick-up time is at the discretion of the principal as is disciplinary action for repeated offenses.  Any unclaimed devices will be forfeited and disposed of one week following the close of school.


Use or operation is defined as the device being powered on or seen or heard during regular school hours.




The Rapides Parish School Board (RPSB) recognizes that our information-based world is becoming increasingly complex and students who are skilled in creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and information technologies are better prepared to be successful citizens in the global community.  Just as new technologies are changing the world in which we live, they are providing new and positive educational benefits that help students develop these skills.  The School Board also recognizes that it does not have the resources to provide these technologies to every student.


In an effort to bring more technology tools into our classroom and to leverage student-owned technology, the Rapides Parish School Board will allow personal technology devices to be brought on district campuses and onto our network.  Students bringing such personal devices to school must follow all Louisiana law, RPSB policies, the Acceptable Use Policy and the guidelines set forth in this document.  In addition to the rules outlined in these guidelines, students will be expected to comply with all class and school rules while using personal devices.


The Rapides Parish School Board currently provides technology that is appropriate and relevant to support instructional purposes.  Therefore, the use of personal devices by students is optional.  Students who do not participate in B.Y.O.T. will not be penalized, and alternative modes of participation will be available.  However, if particular classes are designated as technology-based, personal or district-provided technology may be required.


Definition of Personal Technology Device


A personal technology device (PTD) is any privately-owned technology device that includes, but is not limited to: laptops, cell phones, smart phones, eReaders, iPads, iPods, tablets devices, PDAs, or other current or emerging devices that can be used for word processing, wireless or wired Internet access, recording of images/sound, email, etc.  Cell phone or other electronic communication devices must be used in accordance with applicable Louisiana statutes and Rapides Parish School Board policy.


Responsibility, Security and Damages


Responsibility to keep the PTD secure rests with the individual owner.  The Rapides Parish School Board is not liable for any device stolen, infected, or damaged on campus, at school functions, or on the school bus.  If a device is stolen or damaged, it will be handled through the administrative office similar to other personal artifacts that are impacted in similar situations.  It is recommended that skins (decals) or other custom identification be used to physically identify one student’s device from others.  Additionally, protective cases for technology are encouraged.  The School Board will not be responsible for any device charges to a student’s account that may be incurred by using the PTD, whether or not the use is during approved, school-related use as outlined in this document.


It is a privilege rather than a right for a student to bring personal technology devices to school.  When the policies are followed, the learning environment will be enhanced.  However, when policies are abused, the privileges may be taken away and confiscation and/or disciplinary action may occur.





Any violation of these guidelines may result in the loss of B.Y.O.T. privileges as well as other disciplinary action.


Revised:  August, 2003

Revised:  June, 2008

Revised:  August, 2012



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:239, 17:416, 17:416.1

Board minutes, 6-3-08, 8-7-12


Rapides Parish School Board