The Rapides Parish School Board, in an effort to ensure and enhance the possibilities for excellence in the education of our children in a free society, presents and endorses this statement of policy on school and community relations because of its conviction that (a) the public schools belong in every sense to the people who created them by consent, and support them by taxation; (b) the schools are only as strong as the intelligent and informed support of the people of the community, and never any stronger, and (c) the support of the people must be based upon their knowledge of their understanding about, and their participation in the aims and efforts of the public schools.
The School Board therefore reaffirms and declares its design and intent:
to keep the citizens of the Parish regularly and thoroughly informed through all the channels of communication on all the policies, programs, problems, and planning of the school system, and to carry out this policy through its own efforts and the office of the Superintendent.
to invite the advice and counsel of the people of the parish at all times and especially at all monthly meetings of the School Board, except at executive sessions.
and to solicit the sound thinking and studied counsels of the people through advisory committees selected from the community and appointed by this School Board to consider those problems which vitally affect the future of our children.
The Superintendent shall encourage principals to develop “Partners in Education” with community stakeholders to foster positive relationships with the community.
Revised: October 2, 2018
Ref: Board minutes, 2-6-02, 7-6-10, 10-2-18
Rapides Parish School Board