Students of the Rapides Parish School District who are unable to attend school because of physical disability may be assigned a properly certified teacher who will instruct them at home or in a hospital. In order for a student to be considered for homebound instruction, the student, as a result of health care treatment, physical illness, accident, or the treatment thereof, must be temporarily unable to attend school for the provision of regular educational services. Such incapacitation shall require verification on the application by a physician. The homebound instruction program is a continuation of the regular school instructional program, designed to help the child return to school without falling too far behind in assigned work. The student shall be under the same state and local regulations as any other student. A responsible adult must be present where instruction is provided.
A regular or special education student is eligible to receive homebound instruction if the following criteria are met:
Following an absence of more than ten (10) consecutive school days for a qualifying illness, homebound instruction shall be provided on the eleventh (11th) school day.
After a student has been absent for ten (10) days, for one of the above identified reasons, the student shall be referred for review by the School Building Level Committee (SBLC), to determine need for referral for Section 504 services if the student has not previously been identified as a student with a disability.
The student is free of infectious or communicable disease. If the student is not free of such diseases, other appropriate instructional arrangements must be made.
The parent or guardian signs a parental agreement concerning homebound or hospital policies and parental cooperation.
A review of the student's educational program conducted by the student's regular education teacher(s) should be provided to the hospital/homebound teacher to permit continuity in instruction. Periodic conferences between the student's regular teacher and homebound instructor shall also be conducted. Homebound instruction, at a minimum, shall be provided in the core academic subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. A minimum of four (4) hours instruction shall be provided per week, unless the student’s health as determined by a physician requires less. Consideration shall be given to the individual need for services beyond the core academic subjects for students with disabilities.
Homebound services may be provided via a consultative model (properly certified regular or special education teacher when appropriate, consults with the homebound teacher delivering instruction) for students needing such services less than twenty (20) days during the school year.
The following regulations must be observed by the parents and students once a teacher has been assigned:
One of the student’s parents, or a responsible adult, must be present in the home the entire time a homebound teacher is teaching.
Child and teacher are not to be disturbed during the instructional period.
Members of the family must remain out of the room during the class period.
In the event a teacher is unable to keep the child’s appointment, he/she should notify the parents. If the child is unable to receive a lesson at the scheduled time, the parents should let the teacher know as soon as possible.
Home study is essential for the student to maintain his/her class standing. It then becomes the child’s responsibility, under the supervision of the parents, to prepare the work which has been assigned. An assigned lesson which is not completed is a loss of valuable time and may jeopardize the student’s course work.
A daily student schedule is the responsibility of the student and the parents.
Failure to observe these regulations may result in the withdrawal of this special service.
Revised: June 3, 2008
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:1946
Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education
Board minutes, 6-17-02, 6-3-08
Rapides Parish School Board