The focus of the curricula of the Rapides Parish schools is on the learner, the student. The student's educational development towards the school's goals is the central concern of the Board's policies and the administrative regulations. The teacher is a key figure in carrying out the school's responsibility in the educational process. The teacher alone cannot effectively achieve all the objectives of education. The purpose of the various administrative departments is to create conditions in the schools which permit teachers to work with maximum effectiveness and to provide them with a variety of tools and specialized assistance in developing and carrying out a program which will meet the needs of boys and girls in the world in which they live. The Board will seek to provide the facilities, personnel, equipment, and materials necessary for the education of all students for whom it is responsible.
The goals of education shall be as follows:
To help students develop and maintain good physical and mental health;
To help students achieve command of the fundamental skills and knowledge which are basic to all other learning;
To help students learn to receive and to express ideas effectively;
To help students gain an understanding of our constitutional form of government, of the history of the United States, and of the part the United States plays in world affairs, and to help students accept the obligations of good citizenship;
To help students understand the scientific approach to the problems of life, recognizing the need for conservation of human and natural resources and the contribution made by science to the world in which we live;
To help students acquire marketable skills in the fields of their choice which will enable them to take their place in the economic world;
To help students become intelligent consumers;
To help students develop avocational interests which are satisfying and which provide for worthy use of leisure time; and
To help students understand and recognize the ethical, aesthetic, and moral values of experience, and to act accordingly.
Educational objectives will serve as the criteria by which learning materials are selected, content outlined, instructional procedures and educational technology developed, and tests prepared.
The Board expects to have the staff present evidence of achievement, or lack of achievement, of students in the light of the school's goals and objectives.
Ref: Board minutes, 6-17-02
Rapides Parish School Board