The Rapides Parish School Board shall grant, to all employees, each school year, two (2) days personal leave to be deducted from unused sick leave and also two (2) additional days personal leave. These personal leave days will be for such purposes as may be determined by the individual employee without loss of pay.
The employee requesting personal leave shall give the immediate supervisor at least twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to taking the leave except for emergency situations, to be worked out between employee and supervisor.
Personal leave shall not be accumulated from year to year, nor shall personal leave be compensated for upon death or retirement or paid in any other manner.
Persons wishing to take personal leave shall notify their evaluator. Notice of intention shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hours before personal leave will be taken, except in emergency situations to be decided upon between the employee and evaluator. All employees requesting personal leave must submit a Request for Leave form to their evaluator for approval.
The Rapides Parish School Board shall grant leave of absence without pay for periods not exceeding one (1) year, to any regularly employed teacher or other employee who requests such leave in writing, whenever in the discretion of the Board such leave is in the best interest of the school system. The Rapides Parish School Board may authorize leaves of absence without pay, when properly requested, in the following circumstances:
Illness of employee (two (2) licensed medical doctors’ statements shall be required)
With staff recommendation to complete a maximum of two (2) years residential study (doctoral program with residential requirements)
With staff recommendation, to complete a masters degree program
Maternity (one licensed medical doctor’s statement required)
Child care after maternity – any person requesting a leave of absence without pay for the purpose of maternity and/or child care shall be given the option of extending said leave for one (1) additional year.
The granting of such leave shall not affect any tenure rights which the applicant may have acquired prior thereto.
The Rapides Parish School Board grants one (1) day of leave for personal business or pleasure to teachers and other employees who have perfect attendance for one (1) year of employment. The employee must not have missed any time from his/her position the preceding year for any reason except vacation and perfect attendance.
Each employee may accumulate up to three (3) perfect attendance days.
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:1171, 17:1186, 17:1208, 17:1208.1, 23:1015.2
Board minutes, 2-12-81, 7-7-81, 8-10-82, 7-4-83, 4-12-88, 6-4-91, 5-5-92, 10-6-98, 3-7-06
Rapides Parish School Board