SCHOOL BOARD POLICY GBB: Personnel Positions


The number of teachers and other school personnel to be employed in the school district shall be determined by the Rapides Parish School Board.  It is the intent of the Rapides Parish School Board to activate a sufficient number of positions to accomplish the district’s goals and objectives.





SCHOOL BOARD POLICY GBB:  Personnel Positions


The Superintendent shall be delegated the authority to make recommendations to the School Board for adding new positions and for making revisions and/or adaptations to existing job titles and/or descriptions, or for making adjustments to the system’s personnel that will contribute to more efficient operations.  Recommendations are subject to School Board approval.









Prior to advertising, the Superintendent shall advise the School Board in writing of all vacancies and promotions to be advertised.  Rapides Parish School Board shall require the position to be filled by a promotion to be advertised on the Teach Louisiana website.  In addition to the advertisement which appears on the Teach Louisiana website, the School Board shall give notice of such intent to employ and such positions to be filled in a NOTICE OF VACANCY to principals of all public schools in the Parish of Rapides with a directive that such notice be prominently posted on a bulletin board within the school.  In addition, the Superintendent is authorized to advertise in the official journal and/or other appropriate publications and the RPSB Website.  Request for further advertisements shall be determined by the School Board.  The procedures used in the selection of individuals to fill any vacancies shall be stated in the RPSB Policy Implementation Procedure Manual.










The Rapides Parish School Board shall make a concerted effort to recruit the best qualified applicants available.  When vacancies occur in existing positions or when new positions are created, and such positions are not filled by transfer of qualified personnel, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall post notice of the vacancy and shall have the discretion to advertise for certain positions when circumstances warrant.


The Rapides Parish School System will actively recruit, on a non-discriminatory basis, new teachers by attending recruitment day activities at accredited institutions of higher learning in this state offering degrees in education.


The school system will conduct an annual “Job Fair” to attract teacher applicants.









The Rapides Parish School Board shall require, in accordance with state law, applicants for employment with the School Board to submit necessary information regarding their backgrounds.  A prospective employee shall be required to provide authorization for the disclosure of any information regarding past criminal activities, including arrests, convictions, having pled nolo contendere, or other dispositions, including dismissal of convictions, of any criminal offense, in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §15:587.1.









SCHOOL BOARD POLICY GBD: Employment of Personnel


The Superintendent or his/her designee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate procedures for reviewing and evaluating any and all applicants for selection, including administrative and supervisory personnel, and assuring adherence to applicable state and federal legal requirements.  Selection of personnel to fill all positions shall be based upon performance, effectiveness, and qualifications applicable to each specific position.  Decisions shall be made on a non-discriminatory basis with selection procedures and evaluative criteria known to all applicants.  Applicants should not resort to the use of political, social, or other pressures to gain employment or promotion.




The Rapides Parish School Board shall require, and the Superintendent shall verify that all employees considered for promotion possess the appropriate qualifications and/or certification necessary for the position.  Procedures to be used by the Administration to select individuals to be promoted shall be stated in the RPSB Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual.  The criteria to be used in filling the vacancy shall be provided to all applicants.











SCHOOL BOARD POLICY GBD: Employment of Personnel


Teachers and all other personnel shall be selected for employment by the Superintendent.  It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to ensure that all persons recommended have proper certification where applicable, and are qualified for the position.  Seniority and tenure shall not be used as the primary criteria when making any employment decision.


The Superintendent shall delegate to the school principal all decisions regarding the employment of any teacher or other personnel at the school in which the principal is employed, subject to the approval of the Superintendent.













SCHOOL BOARD POLICY GBM:  Personnel Transfer


The Superintendent may transfer any teacher or other employee, including personnel employed as principals and supervisors, from one position, school or work location to another by giving a seven (7) day written notice to the teacher or employee of such intention to transfer.  Such transfer shall not be for political or personal reasons.  No transfers of instructional personnel shall be initiated during the regular school term, except in emergencies or promotional instances where transfers are required to preserve quality instruction or both re relinquishing and receiving principals agree upon the transfer.


The principal shall have the authority to transfer employees at the school in which the principal is employed, subject to the approval of the Superintendent, subject to certification and qualification of the employee.


Transfer decisions shall be based upon performance, effectiveness, and qualifications as applicable to each specific position.  Effectiveness, as determined by the School Board’s personnel evaluation program, shall be the primary reason for considering a transfer.  Seniority or tenure shall not be used as the primary reason when making any decisions to transfer an employee.







Employees who voluntarily request a transfer to another location or position shall submit such request to the principal or immediate supervisor in writing.  Once approved by the supervisor, requests shall be submitted to the Superintendent on or before July 1 in order to be considered for the next school year. In an instance where July 1 does not fall on a business day, transfer requests must be submitted by the next business day.


Transfers requested after July 1 must be agreed to by both the relinquishing and receiving principals prior to submission to the Superintendent for final approval.


Should a person request reassignment to a lesser position, such personnel, upon reassignment, shall be placed in the salary schedule at the level of the new position.  A written notation of the request to transfer shall also be sent to the employee’s principal or immediate supervisor.


Transfers may be denied at the Superintendent’s discretion in order to provide stability for targeted schools and special programs.


A teacher or other school employee who has been a victim of physical abuse by any student(s) shall be given the opportunity to transfer to another position for which he/she is certified or otherwise qualified and in which he/she shall not have contact with the student(s), provided there is a position available nor shall there be a loss of compensation, salary, or benefits.  Within provision of law, the student shall be transferred to another school.





New Hire Procedures:



*If at any point, the Recommendation for Hire is denied, the Principal/Department Head is notified, and it is their responsibility to inform the applicant.








A year of teaching experience is defined as each scholastic year of employment as a certified teacher in public schools within any of the fifty states of the United States of America, or within any of its territorial possessions; or as a teacher in a private or parochial school, as an employee in a state department of education, or as an instructor in an institution of higher learning.  All such experience must have been as a teacher in an institution or school accredited by one of the recognized regional accrediting agencies in the United States of America (e.g., SACS).  Experience outside the United States of America, its territories or possessions must be in an institution or school accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States of America.


A year of teaching experience shall be granted if the person was employed for at least ninety-one (91) instructional days during one scholastic year, excluding holidays, as verified by the Superintendent.  However, not more than one (1) year of experience shall be granted for a period inclusive of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months.  All experience must have been on a full-time basis.







When a teacher earns additional college credit, is awarded an advanced degree, or receives additional training that would result in an increase in salary, said teacher shall be paid after all necessary documentation has been received from the Louisiana Department of Education.  The teacher shall begin receiving the increase if proof of hours is submitted prior to October 1.  For hours submitted after October 1, pay increase becomes effective at the beginning of the next school year.


It shall be the responsibility of the employee to assure proper notification is given to the Superintendent or his/her designee.  (Excerpts from RPSB policy GBA, Contracts and Compensation, adopted by RPSB 2/4/2013)





  1. NON INSTRUCTIONAL (related service personnel, support personnel)


…the School Board unanimously approved the granting of prior service experience credit for salary purposes to related service personnel; i.e., occupational therapists, physical therapists, etc. (Reference RPSB minutes of September 4, 1990)


Related service personnel would include those professional level positions that require a degree, specialized training, specific certification or license, or similar specialized job qualifications.  Some examples are:


Accountant  Auditor
Risk Management  Safety Coordinator
Therapist  Media Design Specialist
Nurse Purchasing Agent
Social Worker Procurement Specialist
Psychologist Food/Nutrition Supervisor
Computer Technician Computer Programmer/Analyst
Network Specialist Web Design/Training Specialist
Maintenance Supervisor  




Support personnel include those positions that do not require a valid teaching certificate or other education beyond a high school diploma.


Paraprofessional  Custodian
Interpreters Plumber
Bus Attendant Electrician
Secretary/Clerk Welder
Data Processor Audio-Visual Repairman
Health Technician H-VAC Mechanic
Printer School Security Officer


Credit for Experience Outside the Rapides Parish School System (Ref. RPSB minutes of May 7, 1996)


The general policy of the Rapides Parish School Board relating to giving credit to support personnel for employment outside the Rapides Parish School System is that such credit is not given.  However, in certain circumstances where a determination is made by the Superintendent that a prospective employee has outstanding skills and qualifications and it is desirable for the Rapides Parish School Board to employ said person, and the person has comparable experience either with another government entity or with private industry where their compensation was greater than the beginning level of the pay scale applicable to the position they are attempting to obtain with the School Board, credit for experience outside the Rapides Parish School System may be given.


The decision on how much credit may be given will be the responsibility of a committee comprised of the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent(s), the Director of Human Resources and the Chief Financial Officer.


Determination of experience credit given either by the committee described above or by the Rapides Parish School Board shall be final and acceptance of an initial employment contract by newly employed personnel, whether or not given experience credit, shall constitute a binding acceptance of the decision of the committee and/or School Board on the determination of experience credit to which the employee is or shall be entitled.






Credit for Experience Within the Rapides Parish School System


Support personnel moving from one classification to another within the system shall be given credit on a year for year basis.  For example, a bus attendant with 7 years’ experience moving to an instructional aide position would be given 7 years’ experience on the instructional aide scale.




Employees may be hired on a part-time basis with prior approval from the Superintendent.


To be eligible for participation in LA School Employees Retirement System (LSERS) or Teacher Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL), part-time employees must work at least 20 hours per week.


To be eligible for participation in State Group Benefits insurance, employees must be full-time.  However, in Rapides Parish, part-time employees who work at least 90% of the normal work week are eligible for participation in group insurance plans.  Bus operators are considered full-time employees for insurance purposes.







TRANSPORTATION HIRING PROCEDURES (2012 Louisiana Laws, Revised Statutes TITLE 17- Education La. Rev. Stat. Ann.. §17:493.1 – Filling route vacancies)


  1. (1)(a)  Whenever a school bus operator is needed to drive a new route or a route vacated by a previous operator, the school bus operator who is tenured and has acquired the greatest seniority shall be offered the opportunity to and may change from his driving route to the vacant route before another operator is selected.


(b)  If the tenured bus operator with the greatest seniority chooses not to change to the vacant route, the route shall then be offered in order of seniority to a school bus operator who has acquired tenure.


(c)  If no tenured operator chooses to change to the vacant route, the route shall then be offered to a full-time probationary bus operator.


(d)  If no regular bus operator, tenured or probationary, chooses to change to the vacant route, then a substitute bus operator shall be selected for the position from a list of approved substitute school bus operators.


The Director of Transportation uses the same method to fill bus attendant positions.  As they become available, the person who has substituted the longest is offered the position.







Food Service Managers and Assistant Managers



Approved:  June 5, 2018

Revised:  May 5, 2020

Revised:  July 5, 2022



Ref:    Board minutes, 6-5-18, 5-5-20, 7-5-22


Rapides Parish School Board