No employee of the Rapides Parish School Board shall utilize an electronic recording device to surreptitiously record a telephone or face-to-face conversation with any other person while the employee is on duty or where the communication concerns school matters.  To ensure compliance with this policy, to protect the privacy rights of the individual who is subject to the use of a recording device, a school employee shall, prior to the initiation or use of any recording device to monitor a conversation with a third party, advise the third party that the conversation is being recorded and shall request the permission of the third party to record the conversation, which advice and consent for the recordation shall be documented at the beginning of the recordation of any such conversation.  If permission to record is denied by the third party, no employee shall surreptitiously record a conversation with any third party.


This policy shall have no application to the following:


  1. A recording made at the direct request and in conjunction with a member of a law enforcement agency pursuant to the investigation of criminal conduct by that agency;

  2. A recording made to preserve a criminal threat of personal injury or property damage by a third party, i.e. a bomb threat or threat to physically harm a teacher, student or other person;

  3. Due process hearings for employees or students where recordation of the proceedings is required by state law or Board policy such as student suspension or expulsion hearings at the Superintendent level, teacher tenure hearings before the Board, and the like.



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81

Board minutes, 7-7-98, 3-7-06


Rapides Parish School Board