Cf: BE
As a member of the School Board I will endeavor to meet and adhere to the following Louisiana School Board Association (LSBA) Code of Conduct:
Represent the constituents, parents and students of the district which I serve, while remembering that my overarching concern must be the educational welfare of all of the students of the District.
Respect and uphold the laws and Constitution of the United States, the State of Louisiana, and the policies adopted by the School Board.
Respect and treat with professionalism and courtesy my fellow School Board members, the Superintendent, staff, educators, parents and students of the District.
Maintain decorum and professionalism in my communications with and about my fellow School Board members, the Superintendent, staff, educators, parents and students of the District, no matter the forum.
Recognize that my authority is that of a member of the School Board, acting through the process of the School Board, and that I do not have, nor will I attempt to exert, any authority, as an individual, over the Superintendent, staff, educators, parents, or students of the District.
Respect and adhere to the decisions of the School Board, while retaining the right to respectfully seek reconsideration of decisions with which I, individually, disagree.
Guide and direct the concerns, complaints and questions of constituents, parents and students to the Superintendent for consideration and action, in accordance with School Board policy.
Conduct my personal and professional life in a manner befitting an elected representative of the people and In accordance with the laws of the United States and State of Louisiana.
Refrain from using the position as an elected School Board member to pursue personal financial gain or aggrandizement.
Make a concerted effort to attend the meetings of the School Board to which I am called and be prepared to discuss and deliberate on the matters that are scheduled to be before me.
Respect and maintain the confidentiality of Information to which I may become privy, in accordance with State and Federal laws and the fiduciary obligation that I owe to the District.
Affiliate with the Louisiana School Boards Association and avail myself of the continuing education opportunities offered thereby toward meeting my obligations for annual continuing education as provided by law.
Adopted: January 10, 2017
Ref: Louisiana School Boards Association
Board minutes, 1-10-17
Rapides Parish School Board